Tokyo Revengers
Tokyo Revengers manga series is written and illustrated by Ken Wakui. The manga has been serialized in Kodansha’s Weekly Shōnen Magazine since March 2017.
Tokyo Revengers’s plot revolves around Takemichi Hanagaki who is a part-time timer whose life is at rock bottom. He learns that his middle school girlfriend (now ex), Hinata Tachibana, has been killed by the Tokyo Manji Gang. The day after the incident, Takemichi is standing on the railway station and someone pushes him from behind onto the tracks. Instead of dying, he somehow travels back twelve years into the past when he was in middle school and when the Tokyo Manji Gang was just starting. He must now correct the past and save his girlfriend!!
Tokyo Revengers Manga Has Over 25 Million Copies in Circulation
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On Wednesday, the official Twitter account for Tokyo Revengers manga reported that the manga has more than 25 million copies in circulation.
Tokyo Revengers Manga Enters Final Arc in Upcoming June 2 Issue
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Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine announced that Tokyo Revengers manga will start its last arc in the magazine's next issue on June 2.
Live Action
Tokyo Revengers Stage Play Green-Lit for August 2021
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Tokyo Revengers Stage Play has been green-lit for August 2021. The announcement came from a newly opened website on Tuesday.
Live Action
Tokyo Revengers Live-Action Film’s Trailer Revealed
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On Wednesday, Warner Bros. Japan's official website streamed the entire trailer for the live-action film based on Tokyo Revengers manga.
Tokyo Revengers Will Stream On Muse Asia’s Youtube Channel
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Tokyo Revengers will stream on Muse Asia’s Youtube channel from April 11, 2021. The manga is written by Ken Wakui in Weekly Shonen Magazine.