On Friday, Kadokawa announced the second television anime season of Junpei Inuzuka and Katsumi Enami’s light novel series Restaurant to Another World (Isekai Shokudo). The official website for the anime revealed a teaser image, as well as the returning main cast members and the anime’s staff.
Character | Actor |
Shopkeeper | Junichi Suwabe |
Aletta | Sumire Uesaka |
Kuro | Saori Ōnishi |
Role | Staff |
Director | Masato Jinbo |
Script | Masato Jinbo |
Studio | OLM |
Character Design | Yasukazu Shoji |
On the outside, “Western Cuisine Nekoya” appears to be a normal restaurant, but on Saturdays, doors to another dimension open, allowing all sorts of unearthly beings to sit down for a pleasant meal. Elves, dragons, and anybody else who wishes to taste the food of our planet are welcome to do so before returning to their own world, satiated and ready for their next adventure. This charming light novel series, which has never been published in English before, celebrates even the most basic of our foods as fantastical culinary adventures. Bon appétit!
Light Novel
Inuzuka first published the storey on the Shōsetsu-ka ni Narō website in 2013, and the first print volume was published by Shufunotomo’s Hero Bunko imprint in February 2015. The drawings were created by Inami. In March of this year, the fifth volume released in Japan. The novels were the inspiration for the first television anime, which aired in July 2017. Crunchyroll broadcasted the anime online with English subtitles, while FUNimation Entertainment broadcasted the dub version.
Restaurant to Another World anime’s season 2 website
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