Butt Detective (Oshiri Tantei) Anime Film teaser trailer was revealed by Toei’s Toei Manga Matsuri omnibus film series’ official website on Tuesday. The film’s title, cast, and crew are all shown in the trailer. The film is slated for release on August 13.
The film is titled Butt Detective: The Secret of Sufūre Island (Eiga Oshiri Tantei: Sufre-to no Himitsu). It is the third film in the franchise. The plot takes place on an island with incredible steep cliffs. To get around, the residents use the breeze to fly across the skies.
Role | Staff |
Director | Akifumi Zako |
Writer | Natsuko Takahashi Jun Narita |
Characters | Actors |
Oshiri Tantei | Yuko Sanpei |
Brown | Ayaka Saito |
Kaitō U | Takahiro Sakurai |
Chief Maltes | Ikkei Watanabe |
The story is about a detective with a face shaped like an ass, and his assistant, Brown, who solve impossible cases. It was turned into a TV animation in December 2018, and the first film “Butt Detective: Curry Naru Jiken” hit theatres in 2019, followed by the second film “Butt Detective: Tentou Mushi Iseki no Nazo” in 2020.
Source – Toei Manga Matsuri’s website
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