Eden, a four-episode original anime from Netflix, directed by Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood’s director Yasuhiro Irie, will be released in India alongside its global debut on May 27, 2021. The anime was supposed to premiere in the fall of last year, but it was pushed back to May.
Netflix describes the anime:
The upcoming sci-fi fantasy series Eden is set thousands of years in the future, where a city known as “Eden 3” is inhabited solely by robots whose former masters vanished a long time ago. On a routine assignment, two farming robots accidentally awaken a human baby girl from stasis questioning all they were taught to believe — that humans were nothing more than a forbidden ancient myth. Together, the two robots secretly raise the child in a safe haven outside Eden.
Character | Actor |
Sara | Marika Kōno |
E92 | Kentaro Ito |
A37 | Kyoko Hikami |
Zero | Kōichi Yamadera |
Role | Stafff |
Director | Yasuhiro Irie |
Producer | Justin Leach |
Screenplay | Kimiko Ueno |
Characters and Concepts | Toshihiro Kawamoto Christophe Ferreira |
Background Director | Clover Xie |
Music | Kevin Penkin |
Studio | Qubic Pictures and CGCG |
The total number of episodes is yet to be verified by Netflix, but Eden has four episodes as reported on various sources. We believe there will be more than four episodes, maybe between 8-12 episode which will release in parts.
Netflix has an exciting line-up for anime in 2021, stay tuned with us to know more about upcoming Netflix anime news.
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