On Friday, Shonen Gahosha revealed that Yuji Shiozaki’s Shin Ikki Tousen manga is inspiring a new anime that will air on the AT-X television channel next year. Yuji Shiozaki launched the manga in January 2016 in Shōnen Gahōsha’s Young King OURs imprint.
The original ikki tousen manga was launched by Yuji Shiozaki in 2000 in Wani Books’ Comic Gum imprint. The manga ran from April 26, 2000 and concluded in August 26, 2015. Wani Books published 24 volumes as of September 25, 2015.
Ikki Tousen manga inspired 4 TV anime adaptions and various OVAs, which are:
1. Ikki Tousen: Battle Vixens (2003, directed by Takashi Watanabe at studio J.C.Staff)
2. Ikki Tousen: Dragon Destiny (2007, directed by Koichi Ohata at studio Arms)
3. Ikki Tousen: Great Guardians (2008, directed by Koichi Ohata at studio Arms)
4. Ikki Tousen: Xtreme Xecutor (2010, directed by Koichi Ohata at studio TNK)
The latest anime adaptation in the franchise is a 3-episode OVA titled Ikki Tousen: Western Wolves which aired from January 3, 2019 and concluded in February 27, 2019. The OVA was directed by Takashi Watanabe and Mitsutoshi Satou at Studio Arms.
Synopsis of the original ikki tousen is:
In the Kantō region of Japan, seven high schools take place in a turf war for territorial supremacy: Nanyo Academy, Kyosho Academy, Seito Academy, Yoshu Academy, Rakuyo High School, Gogun High School, and Yoshu Private School. The fighters of each school bear the sacred jewels called magatama, which contains the essence of warriors from the Three Kingdoms era of Ancient China 1800 years ago, as well as their fates. Hakufu Sonsaku, the descendant of legendary conqueror Sun Ce, is a highly skilled fighter with a strong sense of personality who goes to Nanyo Academy where her cousin Koukin Shuuyu attends under her mother’s request. Her destiny, as with her predecessor, was to conquer all of the schools. But there is a darker and more dangerous side to her fate, one that may change the entire course of history forever. – Wiki
Ikki Tousen has numerous game adaptation, such as:
1. Ikki Tousen: Shining Dragon (2007, PlayStation 2)
2. Ikki Tousen: Eloquent Fist (2008, PlayStation Portable)
3. Ikki Tousen: Xross Impact (2010, PlayStation Portable)
4. Ikki Tousen: Extra Burst (2020, iOS/Android -20th anniversary project-)
Shin Ikki Tousen anime’s website
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