Shonen Jump magazine published the final chapter of Togo Goto and Kento Matsuura’s Phantom Seer (Honomieru Shonen) manga on Monday in the 18th issue. The magazine had previously teased that the manga would reach its climax on the 18th issue.
In the next two issues, the magazine will have two additional mangas. Koji Miura’s Ao no Hako (Blue Box) manga will appear in the magazine’s 19th issue on April 12. Amenofuru manga will be published on April 19 in the magazine’s 20th issue by illustrator Santa Mitarashi and story writer Ippon Takeshi.
In August, story writer Togo Goto and artist Kento Matsuura published the manga in Weekly Shonen Jump. Both Viz Media and MANGA Plus are digitally publishing the Phantom Seer manga in English. The following is how MANGA Plus explains the series:
If something strange and mysterious occurs, you should go to him. They say he has psychic powers, but convincing him to actually help deal with fierce phantoms may be a challenge. A Gold Future Cup winner, this spine-tingling, horror one-shot now returns as a full series!
To read our Phantom Seer manga review – PHANTOM SEER MANGA: THE NEXT BIG THING OR DOOMED TO FAIL?
Check out Weekly Shonen Jump magazine’s website
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