On Sunday, the “DigiFes 2021” event announced that the Digimon franchise will get a new television anime series titled “Digimon Ghost Game” and a new anime film titled “Digimon Adventure 02”. The series will debut on Fuji TV and other channels in fall.
Angoramon, Gammamon, and Jellymon are the Digimons that will appear in the new anime. Check out the teaser visual and the digimons of Digimon Ghost Game down below.
Digimon Adventure 02 anime film will revolve around Daisuke Motomiya and other characters from Digimon Adventure 02 anime series. The producer of the anime said that he and the team wanted to tell a story about Daisuke and friends because they have different appeal and opinions about them. Check out the teaser trailer –
The staff for Digimon Adventure 02 anime film are:
Role | Staff |
Director | Tomohisa Taguchi |
Writer | Akatsuki Yamatoya |
Producer | Yōsuke Kinoshita (Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna) |
Digimon Adventures 02 aired from April 2, 2000 to March 25, 2001 consisting of 50 episodes. Hiroyuki Kakudō directed the anime at Toei Animation.
The most recent installment in the Digimon franchise is the movie Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution – Kizuna which premeired in theatres on February 21, 2020. It is the direct sequel of the first two Digimon television anime series and it serves as the series finale of the original Digimon Adventure story.
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Source –
Digimon Partners’ website & Twitter account
Toei Animation website & YouTube channel